Capital Gain Tax 资本利得税
A property gains tax valuation report is a document that assesses the value of a property for tax purposes in Australia. The report is important for individuals and businesses who are looking to sell or dispose of a property, as it can help them to determine how much tax they will need to pay on any capital gain made from the sale of the property.
When a property is sold or disposed of in Australia, the owner is subject to capital gains tax on any profit made from the sale. The capital gain is calculated by subtracting the cost base of the property (the original cost of the property, plus any costs associated with acquiring and holding the property) from the sale price of the property.
What is a Capital Gains Tax Property Valuation?

A property gains tax valuation report is used to determine the value of a property for tax purposes. The report is conducted by a qualified and experienced valuer, either accredited from Australia Property Institute (API) or Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). This person will inspect the property and take into account a range of factors, such as the location, condition, zoning, age and any improvements made to the property.
The valuer will also consider comparable sales of similar properties in the area. Ideally, this will be within 3 months for residential properties, and within 24 months for commercial properties. A CGT valuation is necessary for commercial properties such as office buildings, retail premises, medical facilities, childcare centres and industrial warehouses.
The Importance of a CGT Valuation
It is important to conduct a property gains tax valuation report before selling or disposing of a property. Most importantly, it can help the owner to accurately calculate the capital gain on the property, and therefore, the amount of tax that will need to be paid. Without a report, an owner may overestimate or underestimate the value of the property, which could lead to paying too much or too little tax.
A capital gains tax property valuation report can also be useful for other purposes, such as determining the value of a property for insurance or loan purposes, or for resolving disputes over the value of a property. Additionally, if an owner intends to claim any depreciation allowances on the property, a property gains tax valuation report can be used to support the claim.
We must always note that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may request a property gains tax valuation report as part of their assessment of a capital gains tax return. On the other hand, the State Revenue Office (SRO) may request windfall gains tax as a part of the assessment of capital gains tax as a result of profit from rezoning.
What Happens If I Don’t Get a CGT Valuation?
If an owner does not have a report, they may be required to pay for one at their own expense. This is why the CGT valuation must be conducted by a qualified and experienced valuer, as the ATO may reject a report that is not completed by a professional valuer.
In conclusion, it is always a good idea to consult or seek from valuation experts or professionals prior to selling or disposing of any properties. Asia Valuation is one of the best valuation firms to provide consultancy advice for capital gains tax purpose for your property.
What is immigration property valuation?Property valuation reports for immigration purposes have no different with other types of valuation reports. Immigration property valuation report is a submission of valuation assessment for Department of Home Affairs, mainly for asset declaration purposes. This valuation report is useful for applicants who apply for Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa Subclass 188 A, B, C and possibly E, and Visa Subclass 888. At Asia Valuation, our team is based in Australia and Hong Kong and China, we can help you determine the value of your property whether it is inside or outside Australia.
Why is accurate property valuation essential in immigration cases?Accurate property valuation is essential in the application of business investment visa, as the Department of Home Affairs is very stringent in approving application for such visa. Many applicants get rejected in the process of application due to not attaining certain requirement or amounts of their total net assets. Every dollar worth a chance in the application of Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa. Asia Valuation can directly deal with you or your migration lawyers, ensuring our valuation reports meet your needs for such a critical application.
Can the ‘valuation for immigration purposes’ impact visa eligibility?Yes, the valuation for immigration purposes may impact visa eligibility. The assessed valuation can certainly impact visa eligibility as the amount of total net assets in the valuation reports can become evidence of financial capacity in Australia. This is a critical checklist from Australian Government while approving any visa application for business investment subclass. A thorough property valuation report with proper qualification adds credibility ensuring a smoother application.
What is the necessary qualification required for writing a valuation report for immigration purposes?Australian Government is favouring MRICS over CPV in relation to immigration valuation matter as Immigration Department believed valuation experts in their respective home countries armed with stronger local market knowledge compared to valuers practising in Australia. And hence, we only appoint MRICS for immigration valuation matters inside and outside Australia as to avoid report rejection.
Do you provide formal valuation services in languages other than English?No. Our valuation reports are well-written in English and courts in Australia only accept Sworn Valuation Reports in English version. However, our team in Asia Valuation can provide verbal advice in Mandarin and Cantonese if required.
Where are you located?Asia Valuation has office locations in Melbourne and Sydney. We also have partner office in Hong Kong.