Asia Valuation is a property valuation company provides development feasibility service for institutional clients and private investors who need a valuation in the private sectors. Not only we have residential valuer, but also commercial valuers in development feasibility team consist of CPV qualified valuers who have rich valuation experience in running DCF financial models and using licensed Estate Master software for development related works. Alternatively, our qualified valuers are also specialized in valuing 'multiple units in one line' within a high-rise residential or large commercial development.
Why do the institutional clients need the 'Development Feasibility' valuation report for non-mortgage purposes? They are usually property developers who want to find out the combined value of multiple units within a development for the purpose of asset allocation. They have real estate agents who worked for them over a project. Upon the project completion, rather than paying them in monetary commission, property developers can choose to reward these real estate agents in the form of completed units, and hence, they need the valuation experts to value 'multiple units in one line' within a development.
Other than the purposes of asset allocation or internal management, property developers or any individual may also require this kind of 'development feasibility' valuation reports for tax reasons. For example, stamp duty (transfer of names in title between two parties), or self-managed superfund (SMSF). They are not an uncommon demand in the valuation industry.
Asia Valuation act on larger scale of these projects and charge between $5,000 to $10,000 for valuation fees of development feasibility.
One of our highly regarded CPV valuers, Joshua, has numerous years of experience in the field of development feasibility. Not only does he has the local experience in the mortgage and statutory sectors, but also extensive experience in the private valuation firms. On top of that, we boast his trilingual language skills in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. He is verbally and technically well-versed with the Chinese and Hong Kong clients. A perfect answer to your melbourne property valuer or residential valuer needs.
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